Former AIG Ran Bahadur says – Tara has no plans to get married

Kathmandu. A few days ago, a document stating the marriage agreement between former AIG Ran Bahadur Chand and activist Tara Baral went viral on social media. On the paper, both of them have also stamped their signatures.


Sanjay Burma, a close friend of former AIG Chand, published the agreement document on social media. Based on that, the news of marriage between Chand and Baral spread in the media. However, now both of them have started accusing each other on this matter.


Former AIG of Nepal Police Ran Bahadur Chand, who had agreed to marry Tara Baral, a social activist, wearing Lapche on Nepali paper, has changed his mind.


Less than 24 hours after agreeing to get married soon after delivering the necessary documents on Friday, Chand denied it on social media. He has claimed that the said paper has no legality and that it was written on the basis of his bias.


“Sanjay, Tara and the lawyer who wrote it wrote and put my name on the witness stand, while I didn’t even write that document. And that’s not even a legal document”, Chand wrote on his Facebook status, “The media only wanted to make a document that refutes what they wrote about Tara. A document made at home with the consent of three people is not valid.


Even before that, he has continuously written statuses and said that he has no plans to marry Tara. Chand also says that writing on social media does not mean marriage.


However, it is mentioned in the paper, which also has Chand’s signature and lapchae, that they have decided to get married after they have been linked together on social media.


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