Hearty congratulations and best wishes. Balen Shah will be welcomed tomorrow morning at the National Independent Party. Watch it with the video

The Legislative Conference of the CPN-Maoist Center scheduled to be held in November has been moved.


Due to the busyness of Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal Prachanda, who is also the party president, and more time for the Maoist special transformation campaign with the people, it seems certain that the conference scheduled for November will be moved.


The meeting of the Central Committee held in Kathmandu from July 17 to 21 last decided to hold the party’s legislative conference in November and a special convention six months after that.


After central members raised questions in the meeting saying that the party rules and procedures were not being followed and the leadership was running arbitrarily, the Maoists decided to hold a legislative meeting.


How are you feeling after reading this ?