Even the doctor declared Amitabh Bachchan ‘dead’!

Courtesy of Online…..

It was July 38 years ago when Amitabh was seriously injured and was hospitalized for 62 days.


This accident happened on 24 July 1982 in Bangalore. During the shooting of a duel scene in the film Coolie, Puneet Issar’s punch hit Amitabha’s face and he fell on the table. Coolie was released on 2 December 1983.


There was talk of using a body double for this scene, but Ami-Tav decided to do it himself to make the scene look real. The scene looked completely real, the audience clapped, Amitabh smiled. However, at that time, pain started in his stomach.


A corner of the table hit Amitabh’s stomach badly. In the meantime, HS Bhatt, a famous surgeon from Vellore, had come to Asp-Tal for some work. After the film unit requested him, he was ready to do Amitabh’s case study. After looking at the report, he said that if there is no improvement with medicine that day, he will have to operate the next day. On July 27, 1982, the doctors decided to operate.



They were surprised when they opened their stomachs. Amitabh’s stomach membrane had ruptured. The small stomach was also ruptured. In this condition, it is difficult for any person to survive for 3 to 4 hours. But Amitabh went through this condition for 3 days. At that time, Amitabh had other diseases as well. He was asthmatic, one kidney had been damaged by lotus gall and he was also suffering from diabetes.


The day after the operation, Ami-Tav also developed pneumonia. The poison was spreading in his body, his blood was also thin. As there are no cells in Bangalore to improve the density of blood, it was procured from Mumbai. After mixing the cells in the blood, Amitabh’s condition improved for the first time in 4 days, but it worsened again the next day.


The doctors consulted and decided that it would be best to take him to Mumbai for better treatment. He was taken to Mumbai by Airbus. He was admitted to Breach Candy Hospital. Amitabh’s condition, which improved greatly on August 1, deteriorated again on August 2. Poison was constantly spreading in the body. According to the doctor, it was necessary not to operate again.



After 3 hours of waiting, the doctors said that Amitabh’s condition is very critical. The doctors told him that he needed prayer along with medicine. Amitabh’s condition was continuously deteriorating. He started having difficulty in breathing. The doctor put an artificial tube for breathing. In the following few days, Ami’s fever fluctuated. From ordinary people to special people, they were ready to give him blood.


The blood of 200 people including Punit Issar’s wife, Shammi Kapoor’s daughter Parveen Babi was offered to Amitabh. The doctor even said that now only a miracle can save him. Along with this, prayers for Amitabh’s health started all over the country. A crowd of thousands gathered in the temple. Heavy police had to be deployed to control the crowd that reached the temple for Amitabh’s recovery.


After 3 days of the operation on 2nd August, Amitabh’s condition started to improve. On 8 August, Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and Sonia Gandhi traveled from Delhi to Mumbai to meet him. It was assumed that Amitabh’s stomach had started working, but the doctors said that they would have to wait to declare it completely out of danger. After the condition improved, Amitabh stayed in the hospital under the supervision of doctors for about one and a half months.


Amitabh was finally discharged on 24 September. After recovering, Amitabh thanked his fans and said: ‘It was a terrible ordeal between life and death. A two-month hospital stay and an engagement with death have ended.


Now I am returning home after winning over death.’ After reaching home, Amitabh thanked his well-wishers by shaking his hand. This actual scene was used as the final scene of the movie Coolie.


Revealing the situation in an interview, Amitabh said, “The doctors declared me medically dead.” Jaya came, CU was standing outside the room watching everything. The doctors stopped trying.


At that moment Jaya suddenly shouted that I just saw his toe moving please keep trying. The doctors started massaging my legs and I came back to life


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