Please share as much as possible the map of Limpiyadhura Nepal found in America and UK

This map is archived in Catalog No. G 7650 s 260.15 at the Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division in



Washington, DC, the capital of the United States. Kalee R. i.e. Kali River is visible on this map




. It is clearly understood that its origin is Limpiyadhura. According to the Sugauli Treaty in 1816, 11 years before the publication of this map, the Kali River is a border river, so Nepal and West India are east of it.





Kalapani Hot Spring is written in Nepal before the river. This map says – Nabi village is also Nepal. Map of 1856: British Museum Library, London: This map is archived in India Office Records, Map Collection Safemark No.





IOR.X/2996/1 of the British Museum Library in London, UK. However, in 1879, British India issued another map in which the Nepalese land Kuti, Nabi and Gunji were transferred to India through cartographic markers. Please share as much as possible the map of Limpiyadhura Nepal found in America and UK


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